Listening Singing Teacher helps you to sing in tune and in rhythm. The visual feedbacks for pitch, beat and loudness allow you to train your 'mental ear' by aiming the pitch in your head and adjusting your voice to produce the correct pitch. The replay possibility lets you hear yourself and analyze your strength and weaknesses in the appropriate context. The learn to sing software at https://Listening-Singing-Teacher.com consists of three animated introductory lessons and 39 exercises and 72 ear training exercises. To ease the learning you can change the tempo and transpose the exercises to your needs. The repeat part on miss lets you repeat the wrong passage immediately to train difficult parts. For each note statistics are kept to help you identify trends. Up to 6 users can use the program and compete for the highest score for each exercise. The ear training modules go from repeat heard interval, listen to first note of interval only, listen to second note of interval only, listen to fixed reference note before singing the interval, see and hear a random reference note before singing the interval, up to sing the interval without any external clues. Furthermore, you get the ability to load MIDI Files and use as exercise files. In this way you can get feedback (pitch, rhythm and loudness) on your favorite songs.